Massage at RCWC

with Frances Babb LMT, APP, KST MT7089

Frances Babb, Massage Therapist

Massage + KST + Polarity Therapy

At RCWC Frances Babb is offering a combination of Massage, KST, and the principles of Polarity Therapy addresses the structural or organ-based issues of the body that may be causing pain or discomfort. As the energy in the body regains its natural flow, healing happens. Frances has years of knowledge to share with you as massage/polarity therapist and teacher and a yoga teacher.


This hands-on session will use light, deep, and/or active massage techniques using Polarity Therapy depending on what your body is needing. KST (Koren Specific Technique) is a corrective technique that targets structural imbalances. Frances also uses cupping to loosen fascia and Gau Sha or scrapping techniques to break up stagnant areas.

90 min sessions $140
60 min sessions $95

Cash preferred, checks and CC also accepted
Get in Touch to Book your Massage/Polarity Session
Call or text Frances at (571)228-7588

Hours: Mon - Sat 10am - 6pm

What is Polarity Therapy?

An elegant system of understanding the human energy form, Polarity therapy is an alternative therapy that involves balancing the flow of energy in the body to improve or maintain health. Polarity enables results of the session to last longer than any other method, as it works on your wireless anatomy and once the connections are made they hold.

Polarity Therapy is a holistic health care model that works with the human bio-energy field. Energy currents and fields exist everywhere in Nature and is the underlying phenomena in all physical matter. Polarity Therapy asserts that the flow and balance of Energy in the body is the foundation of good health.

The body has its own natural design of energy currents and fields. Illness, trauma, accidents or disease can challenge the body’s natural flow of energy, thus creating ‘blocks’ in the natural flow. Polarity Therapy addresses these blocks through hands-on manual therapy, diet, and exercises that help the body return to its natural balance.

Polarity Therapy was developed by the Chiropractor and Osteopath Dr. Randolph Stone. Polarity Therapy encompasses bodywork which can be deep or light work, stimulating or sedating. It also can include dietary, lifestyle coaching and polarity yoga.

With hand positioning and light to deep work we can balance your Ether, Air, Fire,Water and Earth. We address your priority of the day, resulting in a sense of well being and ease.

Frances Babb, Massage - KST + Polarity Therapy

Massage Therapy

Massage is one of the oldest healing modalities. 40 years of practice has educated my hands to be healing tools. My style is a blend of light and deep tissue work, myofascial work, whole body reflexology. and when necessary Graston (scrapping tools) and cupping for fascia release. Working the muscles of the body allows for energy to flow, then healthy mobility returns and there is less pain. We are a bundle of nerves, fibers and vibration bringing it all into harmony is the work I do.

Benefits of your sessions with Frances

Some of the benefits of this therapy include relief from joint and muscle pain, increased blood circulation as well as stress and depression reduction.

Massage Therapy combined with Polarity Therapy has also been known to detoxify the body and remove waste and toxins from the body. The overall result that is sought after in massage/polarity therapy is the ability to bring the body to its natural state with increased healing capabilities. Massage Therapy is recommended for a number of conditions and illnesses. Some of the conditions it is recommended for include: arthritis, TMJ dysfunction, immune system issues, muscle spasms, insomnia, fibromyalgia and many others.

It remains an excellent way to help the body heal itself and rid itself of any potential toxins that build up in the system.

Frances Babb, Massage Therapist

About Frances Babb - LMT APP KST

Her adventure in life began with dancing in the sun in New Mexico. Attaining her goal of becoming a professional ballet dancer took her on the road and instilled the love of travel. After a time she realized she had the gift of helping others with her healing hands so she left the stage and began a new career. 40 years later she is still helping people to attain comfort in their body, mind, and spirit.

She has been working as a licensed massage therapist, polarity therapist, yoga teacher, yoga school owner, and KST practitioner in DC, New York City, Florida, and now Southern Maine.

Currently, her intention is to share with as many people as she can what she has learned of value in this life as a healer, artist, and yogini.